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ICTSchool User Guide:

  1. Overview
  2. Configuration
    1. Add School / Institute
    2. Add Session / Academic year
    3. Setup Holidays
    4. Add GPA Rules
  3. Data Entry
    1. User Management
    2. Add Teachers
    3. Add Classes
    4. Add Section
    5. Add Subjects
    6. Fee Setups
    7. Add Students
    8. Student Promotion
  4. Fees Management
    1. Fee Remainder Messages
    2. Add Students Fee
    3. Upaid Students List
  5. Exam and Paper Marking
    1. Setup Result Notification
    2. Add Exam / Scdedule Exam
    3. Add Exam Mark
    4. Student Result Card
    5. Paper Management
    6. Add Question
    7. Generate Question Paper
  6. Accounting
    1. Add Sectors / Categories
    2. Add / View Income
    3. Add Expense
    4. Add / View Expense
  7. Reports
    1. Mark-Sheet / Student Result Card
    2. Student Attendance Report
    3. Class Wise Free Report
    4. Income and Expense Report
  8. SMS & Voice Notification Setup
    1. Setup Notification Messages
    2. Setup Notification Type / Schedule


ICTSchool is the modern school management software system for running any type of educational institute. It bundle Unified Communications & School Management features for forward-thinking educational institutes around the world. It features complete business process automation and integration of communication technologies like voice calls and text messaging to connect school teachers, conduct voice calls based questions and make real time surveys, broadcasting important notifications or invitations, connecting parents and students in such a way that never imagined before.

1. Configuration

Admin will configure school information in software like School name, Session, GPA Rule, SMS Notification Message and Schedule.

Add school/Institute

Admin will add school information in this menu like school name, school logo etc..

  1. Click on Setting Menu from left side menu bar
  2. Click on Institute
  3. Add school information

Add Session / Academic Year

Admin will add running session / academic year in “Academic Year” menu, The system will show data (like student, result, fees etc.. ) of active session only that is configured

  1. Click on Setting Menu
  2. Click on Academic Year
  3. Click on Add Academic Year
  4. Enter School Session / Academic Year information and set it as active

Setup Holidays & Class of days

Admin will add holidays in sub-menu “Holidays” and ICTSchool setup will function accordingly.

  1. Click on “Setting” at the bottom of left menu.
  2. Click on “Holidays / Class of days”
  3. Enter start date and end date for holidays and save it

Add GPA rules

Admin will set GPA / Grade rules for result and ICTSchool result setup will function accordingly.

  1. Click on “Setting” at the bottom of left menu.
  2. Click on “GPA Rules”
  3. Select “Grade For”, add grade, points “mark from” and “mark to”
  4. Click on add button

2. Data Entry

Admin / Staff will add teachers and students related information in system, like add subject, add student’s, add classes & section and setup fee structure

Users Management

Admin will add staffs to manage school software and set permission according to requirements

  1. Click on “Setting” at the bottom of left menu.
  2. Click on “Users”
  3. Click on Add New button
  4. Enter user related information, login name, password and select user group role

Add Teacher

Admin / Staff will add teacher in “Teacher” main-menu.

  1. Click on Main Menu “Teacher” in main list.
  2. Click on “Add new” sub menu.
  3. Type Teacher details. Click on “Add” button to save it.

Add Classes

Admin / Staff will add classes.

  1. Click on “Academics” menu form left side menu bar
  2. Click on “Class List” menu
  3. Enter class details and click on Add button to save it

Add Section

Admin / Staff will add sections of classes and arrange student data according to section wise

  1. Click on “Academics” menu form left side menu bar
  2. Click on “Section List” menu
  3. Enter section details, select class, select teacher (this section will assign to selected teacher) and click on Add button to save it

Add Subject

Admin / Staff will add subjects according to classes in “Subject” sub-menu.

  1. Click on “Academics” menu form left side menu bar
  2. Click on “Subject” menu
  3. Click on “Add new” button
  4. Type subject details. Click on “Add” button to save it.

Fee Setup

Admin will configure fees for classes. Admin can also configure different fee types for different classes, Like monthly fees, paper collection, etc…

  1. Click on “Fee Menu” on the right top of the website.
  2. Click on Sub Menu “Fee setup”.
  3. Type Fee Setup detail. Click on “Add” button.

Add Students

Admin / Staff will add the Student data and also apply discount in monthly fee.

  1. Click on Main Menu “Student Information” in main list.
  2. Click on “Student Admission” sub menu
  3. Enter Student details. Like Guardian details, Student details, fee discount in monthly fee etc… , and then click on “Add” button to save it.

Students Promotion

Admin / Staff will promote student to the another class and section

  1. Click on “Academics” menu from main menu list
  2. Click on “Promotion” menu
  3. Select class and section in “Promotion From”
  4. Select Students from List
  5. Select new class and section details in “Promotion To”

3. Fee Management

Admin / Staff will manage student’s fees and send fee reminder notification to defaulter student. Admin can also view all paid / defaulter students list.

Fee Reminder Notification Message

Admin / Staff will set fee reminder message in “Communications” menu

  1. Click on “Communications” for left menu bar
  2. Click on “Notification” menu
  3. Enter Fee message in bottom of page and click on save button
  4. Now click on Notification Type menu under “Communications” menu
  5. Select message type (send SMS or Voice calls for fee reminder), enter date and time (ICTSchool will send reminder message to parent at the start of every month)
  6. Click on save button

Add Student Fees

Admin / Staff will add the student fee. ICTSchool will also add this amount in the accounting incoming sector. Admin will easily check total income amounts and also check paid and unpaid students list.

  1. Click on “Fees” menu on top right side
  2. Click on Invoices
  3. Select Class, Section, Month and Fee Type and click on get list (system will show all student list of selected class and section)
  4. Click on paid ($) button
  5. Enter total paid amount by student and click on save
  6. You can also print the voucher

Check Unpaid Student List

  1. Click on Dashboard
  2. Click on Fee Unpaid box (system will show all defaulter student list)
  3. Admin will send Voice / SMS Fee Reminder Notification to parent

Exam Management

Admin / Staff will manage school exams and add students mark / number and print students result card. Admin / Staff will also send result via SMS to student’s parent.

SMS Template / Notification

Admin / Staff will configured SMS message for result.

  1. Click on “Examinations” menu for lift menu bar
  2. Click on Template
  3. Enter SMS template, you can also use given variables in template. System will change variable according to each student
  4. Click on save button

Add Exam / Schedule Exam

Admin / Staff will add / schedule Exam.

  1. Click on “Examinations” menu for lift menu bar
  2. Click on “Exam List”
  3. Enter Exam type, select class and select single / multiple sections and click on add button

Add Exam Marks

Admin / Staff will add the exam marks / number and generate student result card

  1. Click on “Examinations” menu for lift menu bar
  2. Click on “Add Marks”
  3. Select Class (you view see the sections and subjects list
  4. Click on subject (another window will be open for marks)
  5. Select Exam for given list and enter total marks and click on “Show Button”
  6. Now enter each student marks (if you want to send report to this subject to student’s parents then select “Yes” under Send SMS and click on save button and close the window (system will system this subject report to student’s parent via SMS)

Result Card

Admin / Staff will print the student’s result card.

  1. Click on “Examinations” menu for lift menu bar
  2. Click on Generate Result menu
  3. Select class, section and exam from given list
  4. And click on Generate Result (System will create the result card of each student)

Now Admin / Staff can print the Students Result Card any time by following steps

  1. Click on Reports (top right menu)
  2. Click on Marksheet menu
  3. Select Class, Section, Result Type and Exam
  4. And Click on Get List / Send SMS (if click on Send SMS button then system will also send complete result report via SMS and also show the Student Report Card for print)
  5. You will see the Student List, Now click on Print option

Paper Management

Admin / Staff will generate question paper for student’s exams.

Add Questions

Admin / Staff can add long, short and MCQs questions.

  1. Click on “Examinations” menu for lift menu bar
  2. Click on “Add New Question”
  3. Enter Quiz name, Select Class, Subject, Enter Chapter Name and select Level
  4. Now Enter Question and select question type and question point / mark and save it
  5. If you want to add multiple question then click on “Add Another Question”

Generate Question Paper

Admin can print question paper any-time by one click for student exam.

  1. Click on “Examinations” menu for lift menu bar
  2. Click on Generate Paper
  3. Select Class, Subject, Chapter, Level Number of Question and click on generate
  4. System will show the question paper, now you can print the paper

  1. Accounting

Admin / Staff can manage school income and expense and admin can view complete income and expense report anytime.

Add Sector / Categories

Admin can manage different sectors / categories for income and expense and staff / accountant will add income and expense accordingly.

  1. Click on “Accounting” menu from lift side menu bar
  2. Click on Sector
  3. Enter Sector Name, select Type and then click on Add button


Add / View Income

Admin / Staff will manage income by sectors / categories wise in ICTSchool

Add Income

  1. Click on “Accounting” menu from lift side menu bar
  2. Click on Add Income (you will see the list of all sector / categories of income)
  3. Add amount sector wise and click on save button

View Income

  1. Click on “Accounting” menu from lift side menu bar
  2. Click on View Income
  3. Select Year and Month and click on Get List button, system will show the all income list of sector / categories wise

Add Expense

Admin / Staff will add expense by categories wise in system, admin can check all expense list anytime

  1. Click on “Accounting” menu from lift side menu bar
  2. Click on Add Expense (you will see the list of all sector / categories of expense)
  3. Add amount sector wise and click on save button

View Expense

Click on “Accounting” menu from lift side menu bar Click on View Expense

Select Year and Month and click on Get List button, system will show the all expense list of sector / categories wise

6. Reports

Admin can check all types of report any-time. Admin can check income, expense reports, student fees details, student’s attendance report.

Students Result Card

Admin / Staff will print the student result report card.

  1. Click on Reports (top right menu)
  2. Click on Marksheet menu
  3. Select Class, Section, Result Type and Exam
  4. And Click on Get List / Send SMS (if click on Send SMS button then system will also send complete result report via SMS and also show the Student Report Card for print)
  5. You will see the Student List, Now click on Print option

Students Attendance Report

Admin can check and print the student’s attendance report month wise

  1. Click on “Attendance” menu from left-side menu bar
  2. Click on Monthly Attendance Report
  3. Select Class, Section, Month and select Report Type
  4. Then click on Print List

Class wise Fee Report

Admin can view all list of defaulter students, Admin can also send Fee Reminder message to defaulter student’s parent.

  1. Click on “Report” menu from top-right
  2. Then click on “Fee Class Report”
  3. You will see all defaulter student list
  4. If you want to send SMS message for fee reminder then click on “Send Notification to Unpaid” button.

Income and Expense Report

Admin can check all income and expense report for specific time period.

  1. Click on “Report” menu from top-right
  2. Then click on “Over All Accounting Report”
  3. Enter “From Date” and “To Date” (from specif time period)
  4. And click on print button






7. SMS & Voice Notification Setup

Admin will setup SMS notification for fee reminder, absent notification and late notification in “Communication” menu.

Setup Notification Messages

  1. Click on Main Menu “Setting” at the bottom of left menu.
  2. Click on “Notification” Sub Menu
  3. Upload recorded .wav file or record your message for voice notification
  4. Enter message text for SMS notification

Setup Notification Types / Schedule

Admin will setup SMS schedule, when SMS will send to student’s parent for fee reminder or absent notification.

  1. Click on Main Menu “Setting” at the bottom of left menu.
  2. Click on “Notification Type” Sub Menu
  3. Select notification type for Attendance Notification,Fees Reminder
  4. Enter data and time for notification